Sunday, March 9, 2008

Some Change Would Do You Good!

If vehicle-less on the roads of Hyderabad, do not forget to carry change. Just Money is not going to be enough. There is no point in hiring an autorickshaw with a 500 Rupee note in your pocket! In all probability, the driver will not have the required change. As it is, with the digital meters replacing the old ones, the poor drivers want to extort as much as they can from the passenger.
Be sure to carry lots of 'chiller' if you want to manage a hassle free experience here, unless you want to tip the autowallah way too generously.

Its not too easy to find passer-bys or shop keepers ready to part with their ten'ers. You might be stuck in the heat trying to get a good samaritan to hand you out some change for even your 50 rupee note!

But once you are geared up for the road, its not too bad.

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